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Manage Student Contacts

Learn how to view students contact, update their profile, contact type, and remove a contact as needed.

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Written by MyKidReports
Updated over 4 months ago

Now that you've added and invited student contacts (Parents, Family) for your students in MyKidReports, learn how to manage their profiles further.

View Student Contacts

The student contact list gives programs complete visibility and control over which parents, family members, approved pickups, and emergency contacts are connected to a child in MyKidReports.

On the Web

On the App

  1. Click on the 'My School'.

  2. Click on the 'Children' tab.

  3. Click on a child's name to open their profile.

  4. Scroll down the Family Members section to view all related contacts and their contact type.

  1. Click on the icon.

  2. Click on the 'My School'

  3. Click on the 'Children' tab.

  4. Click on a child's name to open their profile.

  5. Scroll down the Family Members section to view all related contacts and their contact type.

Edit a Student Contact

If a contact has not activated (accepted their invitation and logged in to connect to a student) their MyKidReports account, the program can edit their email, or phone number in MyKidReports.

  1. Log in to MyKidReports.

  2. Click to open the 'My School' menu option and click on the 'Family Members'.

  3. Locate the student and their related contacts.

  4. Click on the 'Update Family Member Info' to the Family Member name.

  5. Update the needed contact information.

  6. Click on the 'Save' button.

Update Student Contact Type

Programs can adjust a student contacts user type if selected incorrectly (i.e., Family contact that actually needed to be a Parent contact).

  1. Log in to MyKidReports.

  2. Click to open the 'My School' menu option and click on the 'Children'.

  3. Select a student by clicking on their name

  4. Scroll down to the 'Family Members' section.

  5. Click 'Update Family Member Info' button on the appropriate contact's row.

  6. Use the 'Relation to child' dropdown to select what's needed.

  7. Click on the 'Save' button.

Remove a Contact

On the Web

On the App

  1. Click on the 'My School'.

  2. Click on the 'Children' tab.

  3. Click on a child's name to open their profile.

  4. Scroll down and Click 'Remove' button on the appropriate contact's row in family member section.

  5. You will get a pop up then click on 'Remove' button.

  1. Click on the icon.

  2. Click on the 'My School'

  3. Click on the 'Children' tab.

  4. Click on a child's name to open their profile.

  5. Scroll down Click 'Remove' button on the appropriate contact's row in family member section.

  6. You will get a pop up then click on 'Remove' button.

Important: If any family member is allowed to Enable billing then can't remove.

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