Log into Your Account
Login: Access your account by visiting app.mykidreports.com
Download the MyKidReports App: Available for both iOS and Android devices.
Create Student Profiles on the Web
Add Students one by one to follow these easy steps:
Step 1: Go to 'My School' > Click on the 'Children' tab.
Step 2: Click on the 'Add Student' button.
Step 3: Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Room, then click on the 'Save Student' button.
Add Students by Upload Roster to follow these easy steps:
Go to 'My School' > Click on the 'Children' tab.
Click on the 'Add Student' dropdown arrow.
Click on the 'Upload Roster'.
Important Instructions to Upload Roster
Download the roster template and fill in student details and family information. Make sure you have at least “Rooms” and “Students” in roster form to get started. Fill in all the required fields and upload your "Roster”.
Upload your roster and let MyKidReports take care of the rest. You’ll see students and families within 1-2 business days, you’ll also got an email when upload is completed.
Minimum Information Required Fields:
Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
Room Name
Create Student Profiles on the App
Go to 'My School' > Click on the 'Children' tab.
Click on the 'Add Student' button.
Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Room, then click on the 'Add Student' button.
For more detailed guides and video tutorials, visit the Mykidreports Help Center or contact our support team. We're here to help you every step of the way!