With the check-in and check-out reports in MyKidReports, you can easily monitor attendance, track daily student activity, and ensure accurate record-keeping. This feature helps streamline communication with parents and enhances overall operational efficiency by providing real-time updates on student status.
View students' check-in and check-out reports on the Web
Step 1: Log in to your MyKidReports account.
Step 2: Go to the Check-In Details section.
Step 3: The check-in and check-out details are visible under the "Students" tab within a specific room, such as the "Infant Room"
Use the filter dropdown labeled "Attendance Status" to view students who are checked in, checked out, or other specific statuses.
The table displays each student's name, check-in status with time, and their associated family members. You can also perform actions like checking out a student by clicking the "Check out now" button.
The "Family member" column provides parent/guardian details and an option to email login details.
View students' check-in and check-out reports on the App
Step 1: Log in to your MyKidReports account.
Step 3: The check-in and check-out details are visible under the "Students" tab within a specific room, such as the "Infant Room"