The check-in and check-out feature in MyKidReports enables staff to efficiently log their work hours, ensuring accurate attendance tracking and time management. This enhances operational transparency and simplifies payroll processing for administrators.
MyKidReports Check-in System
Staff can sign in using a 6-digit code. Code will be sent to each teacher when they are invited, and they can be changed in their profile settings.
Decide if you'd like to add Quick Scan. This lets staff/teacher check-in/out from their own phones by scanning a QR code at your location.
Note: The school can print a QR code and let staff/teachers to scan the QR code for check-in/check-out.
Check-in on a Kiosk by QR code
If your program has enabled Kiosk Mode for checking in, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Log in to the staff/teacher MyKidReports account on the app.
| Step 2: Click on 'Check-in myself' button.
Step 3: Use the QR scanner that's opened to scan the program's QR code (either printed or displayed on the Kiosk) and continue checking in.
Step 4: You will get a pop-up. Select the Room to check in to.
| Step 5: You will get a pop up Checked in successfully. Just click on OK button.
Check-out on a Kiosk by QR code
Step 1: Log in to the staff/teacher MyKidReports account on the app.
| Step 2: Click on 'Check-out myself' button.
Step 3: Use the QR scanner that's opened to scan the program's QR code (either printed or displayed on the Kiosk) and continue checking out.
Check-in on a Kiosk by a 6-digit code
If your program has enabled Kiosk Mode for checking in, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Enter your 6-digit check-in code and continue checking in.
Step 2: You will get a pop-up. Select the Room to check in to.
| Step 3: You will get a pop up Checked in successfully. Just click on OK button.
Check-out on a Kiosk by a 6-digit code
Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Enter your 6-digit code.